Advancing Women’s Rights

Upper Cape Women’s Coalition

UCWC is a grassroots organization formed in 2017 to protect and advance the rights of women and girls.

Bigger than Roe

On January 20, 2024, at UCWC’s Bigger Than Roe standout on the Falmouth Town Green, health care providers, elected officials and announced candidates made a pledge to get out the vote to protect women’s health care, including abortion.

Signers include:
Congressman Bill Keating
State Senator Su Moran
State Rep. Dylan Fernandes
Sheriff Donna Buckley
District Attorney Rob Galibois
Candidates for State Rep:
Tom Moakley
Kathy Fox Alfono
and Owen Fletcher

More information and photos of Bigger Than Roe

Dobbs 2nd Anniversary

Upper Cape Women will gather at 5 PM sharp on Wednesday, June 26, in the Hermann Room at Falmouth Public Library, 300 Main Street, in Falmouth, for a short meeting.

We’ll share resource materials, a couple short videos and have a planning conversation about how we we can protect women’s reproductive rights

RSVP to if you will join us, and invite your friends! We have several dozen women gathering so far.

…if you already rsvp’d thank you!  

Upper Cape Women’s Coalition Executive Committee

How You Can Help

You may be surprised how much weight your phone call, letter, or email can have on our state legislators. Take the time to let your representative know how you feel. Click Take Action for information on how to contact your representatives.

Attending standouts, writing letters to the editor, and networking with others are also effective strategies.

More Information

Information on sex education, birth control, contraception, abortion, and women’s health issues.

Guns and domestic violence, firearm safety and harassment prevention orders

More information and contacts

UCWC Advocacy Updates